6 ways to cleanse your kidneys

The kidneys are two small organs located below the ribs on either side of the spine.

They play an important role in: 
• eliminating waste; 
• balancing electrolytes; and
• producing hormones.

In the absence of disease, a well-balanced diet and plenty of water are usually sufficient to keep your kidneys healthy. Certain foods, herbs, and supplements, on the other hand, can help support healthy kidneys.

From a glass of water in the morning to an extra cup of herbal tea, here are six ways to cleanse your kidneys and keep them healthy.

1. Hydration is essential.

The adult human body is made up of nearly 60% water. Water is required for the proper functioning of every organ, from the brain to the liver.

The kidneys, as the body's filtration system, require water to secrete urine. Urine is the primary waste product produced by the body in order to eliminate unwanted or unnecessary substances.

Urine volume is low when water intake is low. A decrease in urine output may result in kidney dysfunction, such as the formation of kidney stones.

It is critical to drink enough water so that the kidneys can flush out any excess waste. This is especially important when cleansing the kidneys.

According to the Institute of Medicine, the recommended daily fluid intake for men and women is 3.7 litres and 2.7 litres, respectively.

2. Consume watermelons and pomegranates

Watermelons are high in water, fibre, and nutrients that may protect your kidneys from damage. Lycopene, a compound found in watermelons, for example, has been shown to reduce inflammation in rats with pre-existing kidney damage. Watermelons may also help to balance your body's phosphate, oxalate, citrate, and calcium levels.

Similarly, pomegranate, a potassium-rich fruit, can be useful in a kidney cleanse diet. Potassium may lower the risk of kidney stones and aid in the removal ofpomegranates waste from the kidneys.

Both watermelon and pomegranate are high in potassium and should be avoided during a kidney cleanse. Potassium is one of the minerals that the kidney struggles to eliminate when its function is impaired.

3. Lemons and oranges

Oranges and lemons can naturally help flush the kidneys. Citrate, or vitamin C, is found in lemons and oranges and has been linked to kidney stone prevention. It performs this function by binding to excess calcium and preventing calcium crystal formation. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant that may help to prevent tissue damage. There is some evidence that vitamin C may improve insulin sensitivity, cholesterol levels, and blood vessel health, which can all benefit kidney function. Lemon and oranges can also help you increase your total fluid intake.

4. Calcium-containing foods

Many people believe that avoiding calcium will aid in the prevention of kidney stones. In fact, the inverse is true.
Too much oxalate in the urine can cause kidney stones. Calcium is required to bind with oxalate in order to reduce its absorption and excretion.

High-calcium foods, such as almond milk, can help you meet your daily calcium requirement of 1.2 grammeDiet

5. Incorporate Omega-3 Fatty Acids into Your Diet

Consume more omega-3 fatty acids to balance out excessive omega-6 fatty acids, as high omega-6 levels have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones. Furthermore, omega-3s may reduce your risk of passing protein through your urine, a condition known as proteinurea.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the two most important omega-3 fatty acids. You can consume fatty fish such as salmon, albacore tuna, anchovies, and mackerel or take a high-quality fish oil supplement. Flax seeds and oysters are also high in omega-3s.

6. Consume kidney-cleansing teas.

Kidney cleansing herbal teas, such as Dandelion tea, may aid in kidney cleansing.


Most healthy people do not require kidney cleansing. Nonetheless, there are numerous beneficial foods, herbal teas, and supplements that can help with kidney health. 

If you have a history of kidney problems, consult your doctor before attempting a kidney cleanse. Drink plenty of fluids no matter what you do.

If you want to help your kidneys cleanse your body, try incorporating some of the suggestions above gradually.

As always, consult your doctor before making any dietary or health changes, especially before embarking on any kind of cleanse.

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